Below you can find an information about conference publishing options and procedure. Please note, that each paper to be published will have to be presented at the conference by one of the authors and will have to be accepted by Scientific Committee and Editors.
The abstracts are an important part of the papers and they must allow the reviewers to make an intelligent decision about their acceptance. Typical composition of the abstracts includes: Motivation for the paper, Objectives, What was done, How it was done and validated, Major results and Conclusions. The abstracts must be written clearly and in good English. Only text abstracts are allowed (no equations, no graphs and no plots). The length of the abstracts must be in the range between 1000-2000 characters (title, affiliation, keywords and references are not included in the characters’ length limit).
Please provide text of your abstracts via conference system during registration process (do not attach you abstracts as file).
Up to 14 days after Author’s abstract submission, the authors will be notified about the decision of the Scientific Committee. After receiving abstract acceptance letter, the authors are invited to prepare full paper for review.
The abstracts accepted by the Scientific Committee will be included in a Book of Abstracts with an ISBN-number.
Extended abstracts of the papers presented during the conference and accepted by the Scientific Committee may be included in the volume of conference proceedings. The proceedings will be published in electronical form and will have assigned an ISSN number.
The extended abstracts must report original, previously unpublished findings in the fields of energy, fuels and environment protection. Papers must be written in good English and should clearly state purpose of the work and include: the introduction, methodology, results and main conclusions. The length of the extended abstracts must be in the range of 4-6 pages. Extended abstracts must be prepared using Word template.
Please remember that the active participation in the SEED conference determines the possibility of extended abstracts publication.
The extended versions of high quality papers may be published in journals from JCR list and other journals. Authors select preferred option during registration process, but final decision will be made by Scientific Committee and Editors. Please note that each of the journals has its policy, that should be read before making your decision on submission. Processing Article Charge (if exists) is covered by authors.
Each paper to be published in Proceedings and in special issues of journals will have to be presented at the Conference by at least one of the authors (presenting author). Papers not presented will not be published, no matter what the reason for not presenting them is.
Energy Reports
Energy Reports is a multidisciplinary fully open access journal, covering any aspect of energy research, either from a technical engineering viewpoint or from a social research aspect (including such subjects as e.g. renewables, fossil, nuclear).
Impact Factor: 6.870
CiteScore: 2.7
APC: 200 USD