
Practical information


§1. General provisions

  1. The present regulations determine the rules of participating in the 4th International Conference on the Sustainable Energy and Environmental Development, here in after referred to as “the conference”.
  2. The conference shall be held on October 13-15, 2021 in Krakow (Poland).
  3. The conference is planned to be held in a hybrid mode (both live, person and online participation will be possible).
  4. The role of the conference organizer will be performed by Institute of Sustainable Energy, here in after referred to as “the organizer”
  5. The registered person in the conference management system, here in after will be referred to as “the participant”.
  6. The conference language is English.


§2. Participation in the conference

  1. Participation in the conference is voluntary.
  2. The participant registering in the conference system declares the way of participation (presenter with oral presentation / presenter with poster presentation / listener – without presentation).
  3. Only registered participants in the conference management system may participate in the conference (as presenters or listeners).
  4. The presentation method may be changed during review process by the Scientific Committee and the organizer.
  5. The participants who did not fill in the participant’s data in the conference management system may be removed from the database within 10 days from the date of the request to complete the missing data.
  6. A set of instructions for oral and poster presentations is available on the Guidelines for presenters bookmark at the conference website.


§3. Registration

  1. By registering in the conference management system, the participant agrees to the collection, preservation and processing of personal data contained in the registration form, by the organizer for the purposes of arranging a conference. Details on the type and use of personal data are available on the Privacy Policy bookmark at the conference website.
  2. The organizer provides the following possibilities of live, in-person participation in the Conference:
    a) Author / Speaker – full fee,
    b) Author / Speaker – reduced fee,
    c) Author / Speaker – one-day participation,
    d) Author / Speaker – additional presentation and publication,
    e) Listener – without presentation and publication.
  3. The organizer provides the following possibilities of online participation in the Conference:
    a) Author / Speaker – online full fee,
    b) Author / Speaker – online reduced fee,
    c) Author / Speaker – additional presentation and publication,
    e) Listener – without presentation and publication.
  4. Detailed information on the participation type, the conference fee and the benefits are available on the Conference Fee bookmark at the conference website.


§4. Conference fee

  1. The person willing to participate in the conference is obliged to make a payment for participating in the conference in accordance with the fee rates list and the terms.
  2. The dates for early and regular registration are given in the Important dates bookmark at the conference website.
  3. The participation fee can be withdrawn if the resignation is submitted before the June 30, 2021; after this date the conference fee cannot be withdrawn.
  4. Authors that pay an online fee but decide to attend in person will have to settle the fee difference.
  5. Authors that pay or have paid a regular fee but choose to present in an online mode will receive a return in the amount of their fee difference or credit in the amount of their fee difference increased by 10% that may be used for future SEED/CEER conferences (depending on the authors’ decision).
  6. The already paid conference fee can be transferred to another person at any time without additional costs under the condition of no change in the participation type.
  7. When a change in the participation type is needed the already paid conference fee may be transferred to another person with a necessity for additional payment to compensate the differences in a fee type within 14 days from the organizer’s notification date.
  8. The reduced conference fee is available for participants, who attach a confirmation of the student/PhD student status in the conference management system. 
  9. As a part of a one conference fee, there is a possibility to submit only one abstract and only one manuscript.
  10. The second abstract and the second manuscript may be submitted after paying an additional fee. Detailed information on the additional publication payment are available on the Conference Fee bookmark at the conference website. In case of submission two abstracts, one of the submitted topics must be presented in a form of an oral presentation, the second one – in the form of poster presentation.


§5. Invoices

  1. If the proforma invoice is required, please select it in the registration form. A proforma invoice will be issued with a 14-day payment period.
  2. An electronic version of the invoice will be sent to the participants on the e-mail address indicated during the registration process within 14 days after the conference date.
  3. A paper version of an invoice will be available at the registration desk during the conference for every participant.
  4. If the conference fee has been transferred, the invoice is issued to the person who was initially registered, not to the participant.


§6. Abstracts

  1. Abstracts are sent by participants (presenters) during registration process via conference management system.
  2. To correctly submit an abstract, fill in the appropriate fields in the conference management system (according to information available in Publications bookmark).
  3. All accepted abstracts will be collected and published electronically in a form of the Book of Abstracts. Book of Abstracts will has assigned the e-ISBN number.
  4. Book of Abstracts will be available in the conference materials and at the conference website.
  5. All published abstracts will be containing following information: the authors names, the authors affiliation, corresponding author name and e-mail as well as the acknowledgements.


§7. Proceedings dedicated to the conference

  1. After completion of the conference and revision of the participants attendance, an electronic version of proceedings dedicated to the conference (with the e-ISSN number) will be published.
  2. The conference participant interested in publishing his article in the proceedings is obliged to send a manuscript through the Conference system by October 31, 2021. After this deadline the participant voluntarily renounces the publication of an article in the proceedings.
  3. Manuscripts should consist of 5-10 pages in order to allow its further recommendation for a partner journal.
  4. Each of manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
  5. Only active participation is a guarantee of publication in proceedings dedicated to the conference.


§8. Partner journals

  1. The extended versions of high-quality papers may be published in partner journals listed in the Publications bookmark.
  2. The assignment of  selected papers to partner journals will be made by Scientific Committee and Organizer. The Scientific Committee may or may not take into account the author’s preferences indicated in the registration form.
  3. The recommendations to partner journals will be based on the following criteria:
    1) the Scientific Committee assessment in terms of substantive compliance, scientific and linguistic level as well as the papers originality in accordance with the requirements given by the partner journals;
    2) the reviewer opinion on the quality of papers published in the proceedings dedicated to the conference;
    3) the Chairman’s evaluation of the presented papers / posters during the conference sessions.
  4. Detailed information on the publication procedure in each of the journals will be given to the authors in the invitation to publish an extended version of the article, sent individually to authors within 3 months after the conference.
  5. The manuscripts of extended versions of papers should be prepared in accordance to the requirements of the partner journal.
  6. Each journal will be assigned with a so-called Guest Editor, whose responsibility will be the preliminary assessment of the manuscript before they will be finally send to the journals.
  7. When the manuscript is accepted by the guest editor, the participant is obliged to personally submit the manuscript to the journal in accordance with the editor’s guidelines.
  8. The extended version of conference manuscripts will be subject to the publication process in accordance with the rules of the given journal. The final decision about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript belongs to the Editorial Board of the given journal.
  9. The Organizer is not responsible for the decision-making processes of the Editorial Board of the partner journals.
  10. All additional payments (such as Article Processing Charge) resulting from the publication process in the partner journal will be submitted by the participant independently. Information on any payments required may be found next to the journal list on the conference website.


§9. The conference schedule

  1. The detailed conference schedule will include the name and surname of the speaker, the authors affiliation as well as the title of the lecture/poster.
  2. The organizer reserves the right to include affiliates and / or co-authors in the conference schedule.
  3. The initial conference schedule will be available in the Schedule bookmark about 1 week prior to the conference.


§10. Communication with SEED conference participants

  1. The organizer will contact with the participants via e-mail or phone numbers to the addresses / numbers provided during registration process.
  2. The purpose of the contact
    1) information on abstracts, articles, reviews
    2) organizational matters
    3) information about the upcoming conference – optional, with the possibility of unsubscribing
  3. Information on future editions of the SEED conference and other events organized by the Institute of Sustainable Energy.


§11. Final provisions

  1. Contact with the organizer will only take place by e-mail using the e-mail addresses provided in the Contact bookmark.
  2. The organizers reserve the right to change the conference mode to online only (the final decision will be made no later than 30 days before the conference).
  3. The organizer reserves the right to change the content of the regulations at any time prior and following the conference.


Updated: February 25, 2021